Communications and Public Speaking CoP: SPEECH A THON II

As Project Leaders we are often called upon to report status of projects to key stakeholders as well as the team.  It's imperative that the information is easy to follow and understand by all.  Toastmasters is the place to showcase your skills as you grow in confidence is presenting and leading teams.  Your level of growth and confidence is at your desired pace and personal level of growth.  Come and hear what you can put into practice.  You will not be disappointed as one day this could be you on stage.

Panel of Speakers presenting on the following topics:

Effective Communication

Working with remote teams

Engaging your Stakeholders

Are you a risk taker – come and hear if Toastmasters is what you need to develop your presentation skills?

Audience will learn tips / and tools in managing resources, reporting to management, sharing of information, and engaging across departmental lines in an organization.

Leveraging the Toastmasters education program to upskill your presentations.

North Carolina Project Leaders Toastmasters Club - Chartered on the Campus of North Carolina Central University 2014 and has been recognized by Toastmasters International as Presidents Distinguished since its charter.  


Event Details

Event Date 11-28-2023 5:45 pm
Event End Date 11-28-2023 8:00 pm
Cut off date 11-28-2023 3:00 pm
Registered 50
Available place 50
Individual Price Free
No. of Power Skills PDUs 1.25
PMI Event Number C022BJIOZ9
Location Virtual Meeting

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